Offer Timetable

PPGSP classes will preferably be held on Fridays and Saturdays.

Mandatory subjects will be offered in a specific period, according to the timetable.

Optional courses will preferably be offered in an intensive system.

Mandatory subjects

Relevant historical considerations for understanding production systems and sustainability. Production Systems and Sustainability. Typology of production systems. Transformation processes and types of production operations in manufacturing and service environments. Industrial complexes in Brazil. Climate Change and Biodiversity. Sustainable Development. Indicators of productivity and sustainability. Sustainable projects.

Interdisciplinarity: Theoretical-epistemological and methodological assumptions. Complex Problems: Challenges and Perspectives for Interdisciplinary Strategies. Interdisciplinary Knowledge in Productive Systems. The role of interdisciplinarity and intersectorality in Productive Systems. Multidisciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity. Interdisciplinarity and Innovation. Interdisciplinary education. Experiences of Interdisciplinary Studies.

Scientific method, science, and knowledge. Purpose and justification of research projects; objectives and evaluation of problems; hypotheses and research questions. Literature review and the role of theory in research. Research methods and designs. Data collection techniques. Analysis and interpretation of findings. Types of research. Secondary databases. Publications in the field. Research ethics.

Methods and theoretical models to produce scientific knowledge. Lines of research. Production of knowledge in productive systems.

Optional subjects

Entrepreneurship concepts and theories. Development of concepts related to the profile, competence, behavior and leadership of entrepreneurs. Social entrepreneurship. Intrapreneurship. Corporate entrepreneurship. Strategic entrepreneurial orientation. Opportunity recognition and identification. Management studies in production systems and the relationship with entrepreneurship.

Perspectives on the evolution of innovation. Innovation as a strategic factor in organizations. Technological resilience and ambidexterity in firms. Indicators of innovation. Principle of technological discontinuities and implications for business strategies. Incremental and radical innovation. Open Innovation and Distributed Innovation: Implications for the business model.

Historical development of quality management. Quality Management Strategies in Organizations. Quality Management in Services. Quality and People. Quality and Productivity Indicators. Tools for Quality and Productivity Management. Quality and Productivity Management Methodologies. Quality and Productivity KPIs.

Fundamentals of Knowledge Management. Boundary between Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Skills Management: Types of skills: individual, managerial and organizational. Intellectual Capital and Skills Management. Organizational Intelligence and Competitiveness. Learning in organizations. Knowledge absorption capacity. Study of concepts related to knowledge management and organizational learning, with approaches based on models and creativity to promote the process of knowledge discovery and change.

Types of industries, production processes and waste generation. Technologies for reduction, reuse and recycling of municipal, industrial, agricultural and agro-industrial wastes. Environmental management and sustainability aspects. Case studies.

Concepts and Applications. Costing Systems: Principles and Methods. Cost and profit analysis. Methods and techniques of investment project analysis. Cost of capital. Criteria of investment evaluation. Investment under risk and uncertainty.

Exploratory and Descriptive Data Analysis. Discrete and continuous probability distributions. Sample distributions of means. Hypothesis testing. Student's t-test. One-way ANOVA. Tukey's test. Correlation and simple linear regression.

Shapiro-Wilk test. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Mann-Whitney U-test. Wilcoxon T-test. Kruskal-Wallis H-test. Dunn's test. Friedman test. Kendall's correlation coefficient. Spearman's correlation coefficient.

Core elements of qualitative research. Qualitative research design with its different forms of data, collection, and analysis. Research sources. Qualitative research tools. Survey techniques, data collection and analysis. In-depth interviews. Focus groups. Case studies. Ethnography. Participant observation. Action research.

Scientific method. Structure of the research project. Literature search and review. Development of the conceptual model: hypotheses; consistency of the hypothesis with the research question; results; discussion; conclusions; references. Production and writing of scientific articles.

Introduction to Simulation. Types of Models: Examples of simulation studies. Monte Carlo Simulation - Manual Simulation. Collecting, analyzing and processing data for simulation. Modeling. Computational aspects. Analysis of results.

Concepts and definitions: Water, biodiversity, energy, sanitation, waste. Engineering and the environment. Water and waste minimization and reuse techniques. The use of cleaner technologies as an alternative to reduce environmental impact. Applications of cleaner production. Product life cycle analysis. Case studies.

Decision analysis. Structuring decision problems. Measurement theory. Models for decision-making. Data mining.

The syllabus will be created according to the need to deepen the existing content of the course or to create new content according to specific needs, such as dissertations, the availability of teachers or professionals to offer complementary or enriching content.

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